quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2016

New Genesis

- After the seasons of catastrophes over Earth called "Waves", "They" appear to help humans to rebuild Earth over a new culture and a new human system.

Who I am? Call me Blue Light, because I can see everything from the sky, I can see every human step from my place.

-Before "The Waves" catastrophes We refer all Earth civilization as Old Human, After the Waves We call New Humans... Its quite simple, but humans self denominated in this way.

Everything died with the old humans, even religions, but of course, some humans still live on Earth praying for the Old God, from that time.

I see in some places Church from the Old religions, Catholics, Protestants... but they are 2% over all Earth, and are decreasing because their bible are unusable predictions of apocalypse, the return of a "God".. everything ended in The Waves..

Now they work with some what they call "outsiders", but of course, with mutual respect , after all no one wants a new war in this solar system.

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